Saturday, September 11, 2010

Vintage Inspired Pocket Watch Necklaces-NEW

I was having a rough time sleeping one night. I had to get up the next morning for work, and about halfway through my sleep, I felt something crawl across my arm. NOT GOOD. I flipped out, because my single biggest creature fear is spiders, followed closely by snakes. I HATE, and I emphasize HATE them. So I jump out of bed, wake my husband up, and see a huge wolf spider crawling across the bed. Well, needless to say, he was too quick for us, and we lost him, at least, until later that morning. At least, I like to think that it was him.

So, basically, from 2:00 am until 7:30 am, I kept myself awake, because I did not want him crawling back across me again. And what did I do in those 5 1/2 hours? I shopped Etsy, one of the banes of my existence, and the lifeblood as well.In between searches, in my sleepless state, I started to have a vision of a new creation. Vintage inspired, steam-punk style, old fashioned pocket watch necklaces. I quickly was more awake than I had been, and searched feverishly through Etsy, trying to locate what I was looking for. And I found them.

Antique brass and silver, some copper, though I haven't ordered any of those yet, gunmetal, and animal styles. Since owls are my new fad, I found and bout some of those, and they are CUTE!!! I bought the typical pocket watch style with the flip cover, but a skeleton style. Not SKELETON like human skeleton, but skeleton meaning the cover has see-through holes cut into it so you can see the watch face underneath. And I bought what I call Gentleman's Carriage Watches. They are a glass marble watch, very heavy, with the marble on both sides, so you can see the inner workings of the watch, and the glass greatly magnifies the watch face, so the numbers are a little bit bigger. I bought those tentatively, because, while they looked awesome, I wanted to be able to put an image on the backside, and my supplier said that wasn't possible.

I waited anxiously for my order to arrive. And when they did, I was ECSTATIC!!! So far, my absolute favorite is the Gentleman's Carriage Watch, and I was able to put images on the backsides of the watches. I started designing my necklaces around the watches. Initially, my first watch sold to my boss, who wanted one of the owls, so I designed it in her colors, plum and ivory. But I wasn't totally happy with the design of that watch, and I might ask her if I could redesign it, just appease myself. Back to the drawing board.

Since the watches were sort of heavy, I decided on a classic "Y" shape. I started with my second owl watch, and since he was brass, I had the findings to begin work. I created vintage style bead drops, using brass bead cones, brass ball beads, and ivory fire-polished Czech Glass beads. I strung them on in equal measurements, and wire wrapped them, so there wouldn't be any possibility of them falling off, unless in some unforeseen weird circumstance. I finished it off, and looked back, in awe of myself for a moment, and that doesn't always happen. I had created a reproduction watch necklace, and it was AWESOME!!! I have thus been creating more, perfecting my designs, and putting some into the shop where I work. So far, no takers, yet, but I can always drop the price. I want to give it a few weeks, but I have had so many compliments on them, and that strokes my ego to no end :) I'll let you know how it goes :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tiffany Inspired Lucite Earrings-NEW

I know its been awhile since I last posted, and I know that I've been trying to do a better job at posting, but just failing miserably at it . . . Then I realized that I can at least write my blog when I have some quiet time at work and can post it later, so we'll try that and see how it goes . . .

I really wanted to talk about one of my newest designs, Tiffany inspired Lucite Flower earrings. When I say Tiffany, I do NOT mean TIFFANY's, but, rather, Tiffany style lamps, with gorgeous stained glass lamp shades. And when I create my flower earrings, I am inspired by those same lamps. Now, I know that flowers and lamp shades do NOT have anything to do with one another, not unless you count flowers being depicted in the shades themselves. Nonetheless, I think of those lamps when I create them. I don't know why.

Anyway, about a year ago, I was in one of the Etsy chat rooms, and someone had created some Lucite flower earrings. I personally didn't really see the appeal of those particular earrings, not intentionally trying to bash the artist, but they just weren't my style. Even though I am fairly young, I still am old fashioned in most of my jewelry tastes. I inherited some of my grandmother's old jewelry when I was in high school, and was enthralled by it. Where had it been? Who inspired it? Had it seen any elegant parties before kids came into the picture?

When I create my vintage inspired works, I often have a vision of a tall woman, hair done up in a n elegant up-do, a Victorian blouse and skirt, or even an elegant ballgown, sitting down and penning a love letter to her long lost love in a beautiful parlor, a red velvet settee, gas candles, and a Tiffany Lamp glowing softly. Pretty romantic, I know. Probably from reading too many romance novels once upon a time . . .

Cut to mid July of this year. I don't know exactly where the idea came from, probably a dream like most of my ideas, but I had a vision of earrings with flowers in them. Vintage style, Tiffany influenced flower earrings. Bronze, antique silver, and copper bead cones. So I haven't gotten any copper components . . . yet. But I intend to, and I have created so many gorgeous pairs, they are currently one of my favorite items I have done so far.

I have often had customers into my work and comment on the "antiquity" or "vintage-ness" or even "old fashioned" styling of the earrings, and I definitely take that as a compliment, because that is exactly how I want them to look. Like my great-great-grandmother might have owned them.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Temporary Closure of Shop until After June 6th, 2010

Hello my friends, just wanted to update you all on what been happening in Jaimeland. As of this past week, I was able to get my jewelry showcased in a gift store, where I will also be working at part time. The store is Red Wagon, in downtown Golden, CO, and I have a small display of pendants, rings, and earrings. A necklace display is in the works and will be there on Sunday.

I am also keeping back some items for my in law's huge BBQ that they do yearly, which will be on June 6th this year. So, in the meantime of transitioning to work and getting my consignment stuff together, I am also working on updating some of my stock for that as well. Since the gift store currently has all of my earrings, I need to make some more, and I will be finishing up some charm bracelets as well. I have a new resin that I use, much better than Easy Cast in my opinion, but it still takes at least 24-72hrs to harden.

Oh, and btw, the shop name of my etsy store will be changed to reflect my consignment listings. I like everything to be uniform. The web address is still the same,, but the shop is now called Shes-A-Belle, which is my father in law's nickname for my daughter, Isabelle.

Anyways, I will keep you informed on how everything goes. See ya lates :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I FINALLY HAVE A NEW COMPUTER!!! It works!!! It has a huge screen!!! The keyboard and space bar work!!! I LOVE IT!!! So, now that everything is in fine and dandy order with the computer, I will definitely be posting a lot more, and hopefully, get more than my 2 loyal followers thus far.

So this is what is new in the Jewelry By Jaime world at the moment. I have started carrying Trinity Brass supplies, and have been making rings with these items. For those of you who don't know, Trinity Brass Company is a US based, (did I mention that its US BASED?!?) brass company who coats certain items in sterling silver. I mainly carry just the sterling components right now, but hopefully, before the summer, will be branching out into the patina and brass settings as well. I personally like a more antique and vintage look to my jewelry, and Trinity Brass definitely has those qualities. Check the rings out at

Also, I have been stocking up on my glass tile supplies, having been listed all of my current tiles in the shop, plus, beyond that, I am currently getting ready for a small show at my in-laws huge 100+ people BBQ this June. I will be getting ready for that in the very new future, building displays, making jewelry, not to mention, my other shop, will also be showing some hand knit goods as well. BUSYBUSYBUSY!!!

So, for now, I will probably start off by posting at least once a week, and as stuff settles down, then possibly, a few times more. In the meantime, feel free to convo me via etsy if there are any questions regarding my items. Thanks :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Ok, so this is why I have not been posting anything new to my blog lately. BECAUSE MY COMPUTER SUCKS!!! Only 6 months old and the stupid keyboard doesn't work half the time, specifically the spacebar. I have to sit there and arrow over and hit the spacebar 2-3 times before it spaces. DAMN NETBOOKS!!! Just bear with me, I'll definitely be getting a newer comp here soon, I hope.

In the meantime, be sure to check out my other Etsy shop, This is where my limited inventory of crocheted and knitted items are currently listed. Thanks all!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome :)

Hello, and welcome to my newly established blog for my Etsy store :) My name is Jaime, and I will be your guide during this trip :) First off, here is a brief overview of myself, and my craft.
  • 31 Years Old.
  • Stay at home mom.
  • Mother to Isabelle, wife to Nick.
  • Have lived in Colorado all my life, and have no desire to leave . . . not really . . .
  • Favorite Books: The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, Harry Potter, The Cat Who Series by Lilian Jackson Braun.
  • Favorite TV Shows: Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Smallville.
  • Favorite Movies: Twilight, all of the Star Wars, all of the Indiana Joneses, all of the Harry Potters, Ever After, Ocean's 11-13.
  • Favorite Video Game: Zelda: Twilight Princess. Most awesome, enough said.
  • Favorite Color: Green, sometimes blue, it kind of changes from day to day, oh, and red :)
  • Favorite Make of Car: Ford girl forever :)
  • Favorite Season: Late spring, early summer when the lilacs bloom, fall. I must say, summer ceases to exist for me at this moment in time, since a weak tornado ripped through my neighborhood and destroyed all of our trees, flowers, and plants. Now it looks like mid-March with a bad heat wave.
  • Schooling: Graduated with a BA in History, and a minor in Speech Communications, specifically Broadcasting.
  • Work: Have worked primarily in the financial and banking fields.
  • Craft: Have been making jewelry seriously for the past year or so, but been creating since high school. I specialize in funky, dark and gothic jewelry, glass tile necklaces, chokers, chandelier earrings, bottle cap necklaces, and miscellaneous creations.
For my next few posts, I will detail a few techniques I have established when creating. I hopeJustify Full you all come back, and see whats in store in a few days :)